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Chinese translation for "transport projects"


Related Translations:
transports:  运输
transporting:  运输
transport:  vt.1.运输,运送,输送。2.【历史】处流刑,流放。3.杀死。4.〔常用被动语态〕使心情极度激动,使欣喜若狂,使心旷神怡。短语和例子transport wheat from the farms to the mills 把小麦从农场运至面粉厂。 be transported with joy [grief, rage] 快乐[悲哀、愤怒]得了不得。n.1.运输,运送;转运
transported:  运积的
project:  vt.1.投掷,抛出;发射(炮弹等);喷射。2.使突出,使凸出。3.设计,规划,计划,打算,筹划。4.投影;于…上映。5.【数学】作…的投影图;把…画成投影状。6.表明…的特点;生动地表演。7.【心理学】使(思想、感情)形象化[具体化]。8.【化学】投入 (into on)。短语和例子project motion pictures on the screen 放电影。 pr
projects:  各国电子佛典计画立法会议员研究新机场及有关工程财政事宜小组企划实例项目法项目设计绣图区
projecting:  adj.突出的,凸出的。 a projecting eye 凸眼。 a projecting tooth 暴牙。
projected:  被预测,被估计计划中的伸出的投影的设计伸出式窗投射投影的
Example Sentences:
1.All - round undertaking land transport project of heavy bulk within 10 , 000 tons
2.To advise on traffic and transport planning and programming as well as the progress of traffic and transport projects
3.To advise on priorities for surveys and studies as well as implementation of traffic and transport projects within the district
4.Making the kasibility study , analysis of cost , the design of water transport project , suppling sidding documents and evaluation of bidding
5.The residential building sector was the largest end - use group of construction activities in 2003 , followed by transport projects and servicecommercial building projects
按落成后用途分析, 2003年住宅楼宇工程是最大的类别,接著是运输工程及服务商业楼宇工程。
6.The residential building sector was the largest end - use group of construction activities in 2003 , followed by transport projects and service commercial building projects
按落成后用途分析, 2003年住宅楼宇工程是最大的类别,接著是运输工程及服务/商业楼宇工程。
7.The residential building sector was the largest end - user group of construction activities in 2004 , followed by transport projects and servicecommercial building projects
按落成后用途分析, 2004年住宅楼宇工程是最大的类别,其次是运输工程及服务商业楼宇工程。
8.The residential building sector was the largest end - user group of construction activities in 2004 , followed by transport projects and service commercial building projects
按落成后用途分析, 2004年住宅楼宇工程是最大的类别,其次是运输工程及服务/商业楼宇工程。
9.Speech by mr john tsang , director - general of the hong kong economic and trade office in london at the hong kong major transport projects seminar held in london on november 18 , 1998
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