| 1. | All - round undertaking land transport project of heavy bulk within 10 , 000 tons 全方位承揽万吨以内的笨重大件的陆路运输工程 |
| 2. | To advise on traffic and transport planning and programming as well as the progress of traffic and transport projects (甲)就交通及运输事务的策划、制订及进展提供意见。 |
| 3. | To advise on priorities for surveys and studies as well as implementation of traffic and transport projects within the district (乙)就区内进行调查研究及推行交通运输计划的先后次序,提供意见。 |
| 4. | Making the kasibility study , analysis of cost , the design of water transport project , suppling sidding documents and evaluation of bidding 主要是交通水运工程的报告编审,水运工程造价分析编审,水运工程的设计技术的咨询以交通工程的招标编审与评标服务咨询。 |
| 5. | The residential building sector was the largest end - use group of construction activities in 2003 , followed by transport projects and servicecommercial building projects 按落成后用途分析, 2003年住宅楼宇工程是最大的类别,接著是运输工程及服务商业楼宇工程。 |
| 6. | The residential building sector was the largest end - use group of construction activities in 2003 , followed by transport projects and service commercial building projects 按落成后用途分析, 2003年住宅楼宇工程是最大的类别,接著是运输工程及服务/商业楼宇工程。 |
| 7. | The residential building sector was the largest end - user group of construction activities in 2004 , followed by transport projects and servicecommercial building projects 按落成后用途分析, 2004年住宅楼宇工程是最大的类别,其次是运输工程及服务商业楼宇工程。 |
| 8. | The residential building sector was the largest end - user group of construction activities in 2004 , followed by transport projects and service commercial building projects 按落成后用途分析, 2004年住宅楼宇工程是最大的类别,其次是运输工程及服务/商业楼宇工程。 |
| 9. | Speech by mr john tsang , director - general of the hong kong economic and trade office in london at the hong kong major transport projects seminar held in london on november 18 , 1998 教育统筹局局长王永平在立法会会议上,就修订法例以规管减薪事宜议员议案的致辞全文十一月十八日 |